26 mars 2007

50 ans de paix en Europe!

Avec l'Europe et le traité de Rome, 1957-2007 : 50 ans de paix à notre bénéfice!

L'Europe, un rempart face à la concurrence internationale.
L'euro une monnaie refuge face au dollar!
Notre développement est basé sur l'échange, un repli signerait notre déclin.
L'Europe a permis l'ouverture de la France à ses voisins!

Pour l'instant, 18 pays ont ratifié la constitution européenne, deux l'ont rejeté! Les pays du oui se sont réunis à Madrid en janvier 2007. Pour la première fois depuis 50 ans, la France ne participe pas à une réunion européenne!

En France, le rejet l'a emporté, mais ce rejet représentait des motivations diverses: contre l'Europe, contre le gouvernement, pas assez d'Europe alors que les 45% du oui étaient plus franc.

La mauvaise presse de l'Europe vient peut être de son utilisation comme bouc émissaire dans le cadre de mesures impopulaires. Au lieu d'expliquer la nécessité économique de réformes, certains politiques en imputent la responsabilité à l'Europe. De même pour l'Euro qui nous a probablement évité des dévaluations et dont la protection a différé des réformes!

Tôt ou tard nous reposerons la question de la Constitution!
Sauf à affaiblir le poids européen de la France.
La 1iere partie de la Constitution était assez claire,
la 3ieme partie, principale cause de rejet relève plus de la loi!
Garder dans la Constitution la seule première partie semble un bon compromis!

Libellés : , ,

14 mars 2007

small gestures!

Small gestures for a new citizenship

Ecology is a permanent fight against our excessive desires of consumption. Moreover the general wasting discourages our personal efforts with their quite thin results.

Let us take part in the ecological effort, by recovering paper, glass, by consuming a minimum of packaged products, by driving smoothly.

Our small efforts seem to us quite ridiculous against the arrounding let go and wastings, far from discourage us, let us persevere in our efforts, by thinking in particular that by those we manifest our solidarity of others and of the ecosystem.

The man pollutes each place where it passes. Thus in order to counterbalance the pollution we generate, we should have small gestures which improve the environment. For example, to collect lying papers or objects to put them in a dustbin.

By consuming local products, we decrease transport and increasing social cohesion, let us support the creation of local ecosystems.

In its various activities, work, leisures or consumption, each of us contributes to the planetary future by supporting and developing the least polluting practices.

Libellés : , ,

12 mars 2007

PLC up or down?

Several experiments find place in Europe to develop PLC (Power Line Communications).
The European Commission finances for 9,06 million euros the PLC European Research Alliance.

However this technology is prohibited in Japan. Indeed, electric cables are not shielded, thus they emit strong radiations! The higher the speed, stronger the radiations. These radiations disturb other electronics components or even the people.

Thus PLC seems to ba a bad deal!


Libellés : , ,

Hybrids or small?

The cars which emit less than 100 grams of CO2 to the kilometer should be generalized. The hybrid car is often heavy and top-of-the-range, small cars are less energy consuming, especially with improvements of the style cameless and stop and start.
Thus the CO2 rejection rate is of the same order for Citroen C1 as for Toyata Prius, around 104 grams for 1km. Moreover, the environmental impact of C1 is weaker, it is lighter, occupies less space and is easier to recycle. A display of instantaneous petrol consumption would flexible driving, which moreover would decrease the accidents.

To present the hybrid cars as a source of energy saving is more marketing!
The best solution to decrease energy consuption are:
to decrease the car use,
to drive slowly,
to use a small car!

Libellés : , , ,

11 mars 2007

a laptop for less as 500$?

A laptop for less as 500$?
When will a firm produce a laptop including the following software:
Linux operating system,
Firefox for navigation,
Thunderbird for mailing,
OpenOffice for office automation.

The use of free software will reduce the price of approximately 100$, so the level of 500 $ for low cost latops will be reached. Widening the use of free software gives opportunities of development for small software software firms.

Libellés : , ,